Friday, January 24, 2014

Friðriksmótið í tilefni skákdagsins

Víkingaskákmenn halda upp á skákdaginn mikla með pompi og prakt á veitingastaðnum Classic Rock við Ármúla sunnudaginn 26. janúar kl 16.00.  Tefld verður Víkingahraðskák.   Skákdagurinn mikli er haldin til heiðurs fyrsta stórmeistara Íslendinga Friðrik Ólafsyni. 
Classic Rock hér: 

The Great chess Champion Mr. F. Ólafsson has acquainted himself with the Viking chess and gives the following comments:  "The Viking chess is obviously much more complicated than classical chess, because there are three directions in the board and there are more chequers and more hexagons than there are squares.  The moving abilities in Viking chess are easy to learn, but it takes a little time to make out the directions.  I suppose that there has to be build up an new Viking chess theory from beginning.  Still there are some principles from the classical chess which remains as for example to have a strong centre, to evolve the officers quickly and not to weake the position of the King, but the method for doing thes will be quite different in Viking chess.

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